Monday, October 5, 2009

How Does A Dinosaur Say I Love You

By Jane Yolen
Published by The Blue Sky Press (Scholastic)
Pages: 40
Released: October 6, 2009
Ages: 4-8

I think this is one of my favorite Dinosaurs books, outside of the How Does A Dinosaur Go To Bed. It's a book my kids and I both loved reading and when I pulled it out of the box last week my kids wanted me to read it right away.
The story is a good way to remind our children that even when they're naughty, we still love them.
These little dinosaurs act naughty, and even when they do that, they're parents still remind them that they love them. I found myself laughing out loud to some of the things Jane wrote about. She captured the typical actions children do that parents get frustrated. Throwing a fit about getting ready for school, not liking what is offered at dinner, not being nice on the play ground and so forth, but at the end of each action the dinosaur does something and the parent says how much they love them.

I highly recommend this book.

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I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. ~ Anna Quindlen

Good children's literature appeals not only to
the child in the adult, but to the adult in the child.
~ Anonymous ~